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After 20 years of proudly wearing my white collar, after ingesting dozens of business success book, after encountering hundreds, if not thousands, of folks like me, stuck somewhere in Cubeland, positioned somewhere on the ladder that spans failure and success, I discovered that the book I really needed hadn’t been written, a book that was honest, funny, and poked well-deserved fun at everything that is life in a corporate world. So, I wrote that book and called it White Collar Warrior.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Corporate Vocabulary #1 – Schadenfeedbackrude

Today’s word is a derivative from the German compound word “Schadenfreude,” which is the peculiar and slightly guilty pleasure one takes from misfortunes of others. Leave it to the German to define that particularly ugly human emotion.

In the corporate world, we have “Schadenfeedbackrude,” which is the pleasure one takes from the negative feedback someone else gets.

For instance, say a co-worker, a friendly competitor, or your boss is up in front of an audience pitching a presentation, clicking through those PowerPoint slides, feeling so good about how wonderful it is to be on stage and spewing highly polished bullshit.

And then, feedback lightning strikes, a senior exec in the audience calls bullshit, criticizes logic flaws in the plan, complains that the research methods are invalid or that the choice of fonts and colors is atrocious.

"Oh god, if I see Tohoma Bold ever again I'll just claw my eyes out!" (Hardcore PowerPointers are passionate about fonts. And don't get them started on animations.)

The presenter deflates. His eyes fill with panic and hurt. He gets defensive. You can see his soul suffering. Wetting his pants is not out of the question.

And maybe your presentation, the one before his, wasn’t so great, but wasn't tied to a stake and stoned. In fact, in comparison, you’re looking pretty damn good.

That feeling warming in your chest that makes the air taste good? That urge to lift the corners of your mouth into a slight, almost imperceptible smile?

That, warriors, is Schadenfeedbackrude.

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