About Me

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After 20 years of proudly wearing my white collar, after ingesting dozens of business success book, after encountering hundreds, if not thousands, of folks like me, stuck somewhere in Cubeland, positioned somewhere on the ladder that spans failure and success, I discovered that the book I really needed hadn’t been written, a book that was honest, funny, and poked well-deserved fun at everything that is life in a corporate world. So, I wrote that book and called it White Collar Warrior.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to get a job -- It is easy!

Warriors, do you know what works in a job interview?

Just be nice. Smile. But not like a crazy person. Like a pleasant person.

Act like you want to work here, but don’t act like you want to be CEO tomorrow.

Know a few things about the products we make, but don’t tell me how to do my job.

You want me to feel like we will be friendly, if not friends.

You don’t want me to feel like you expect to have my job in a few months, if not a few weeks.

Be enthusiastic, but not fanatical. Confident, but not arrogant. Complimentary, but not ass kissing.

And spell check your fucking resume. Moron.

Do all that, and you might be surprised at how easy it is to get a gig. With me anyway.

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